Saturday, October 4, 2008

Share with a Friend

Dear Friend,

Whomever you may be, I hope this letter finds you well, it’s been a while since last we spoke. If you received this letter it is because we have crossed paths at some point in time that I would call you friend. If you do not know me, it is because someone believed enough in me to share with you and I humbly ask for your attention.

Times are difficult right now; Some of us see prosperity while others of us see desperation in the eyes of everyone we meet. Some of us believe in voting based on party lines while others are as conflicted as I myself have been. Some don’t see the problems we face today as Americans because day to day life continues without consequence. Others don’t believe one person can change the world, forgetting our American heroes who single-handedly accomplished a change in one day - through a gesture, a speech, a sign, or presence. We all have an innate ability to move mountains when there is passion inside of us we’re willing to share.

Doing the unthinkable and standing up for myself, going against the grain, made me realize who I am and where I stand in my faith today. I am not at all the person I once was. I find I’m still becoming the person God wants me to be. He is leading me forward into my life’s purpose, still unbeknownst to me. No matter what it is, I Believe.

I believe Americans - descendants from every nation - fought hard by sacrificing their own life to provide for us our foundation, our very existence, and the freedoms for which that means.

Times are complicated. We spend countless hours away from loved ones trying to prove ourselves to this Great Nation we call home; Trying to achieve an income of societal norm instead of fighting to keep our families together, walking in our faith – whatever faith that may be.

I will share with you my dissertation of what I see in this election as relates to our faith and why it’s important to not only gain perspective before we decide but seek Truth (in a Biblical sense). I am convinced I can change the hearts of men in less than 30 days through issues, my own experiences, and our faith. I invite you to prove me wrong.

This is not a scathing letter (such as the initial email that prompted this response) as I’ve tried as best I could to fill it with compassion and love because it has been written from my heart. I do not mind being transparent in my efforts because I am not ashamed of who God made me to be, the experiences He has led me to, and what He single-handedly has helped me conquer. From abandonment to a marriage restored, from a home in Avalon Park to homelessness, from a manufactured home into a land plentiful and free, I believe God has humbled me for the purpose of what I am about to share with you. I have been made in God’s image. Therefore, if you disagree, God bless America - land of the free, whom is free from religious persecution and with whom is free of thought.

It was with the recent unfolding of an email about Sarah Palin I learned what Jaci Rose Patellis, a 27-year-old mother of two who has been repeatedly humbled by Christ, both in times of privilege and despair, found out what I was made of.

I realized through my response when I hit “reply all” to 41 of my grandmother’s friends I offended and angered people I care about which was not my intent (despite good marketing efforts using the subject title: “Guaranteed to Make you Mad”). Rather, it was an effort to help others come to revelations I myself have seen and been humbled by - both in a worldly and spiritual sense.

Perhaps it is because I come from privilege that has made life so difficult for me. I was once blind but, now I see the world from a new perspective; one well aware of my surroundings.

Everyday, millions of American people feel angered and helpless. Everyday we hear soldiers are dying and dismiss it as simple combat, those soldiers didn’t want to die; they just wanted to serve their country. Everyday our sons and daughters call home talking about how tough our current times are, unsure of their families fate. Everyday another mother withered and worn is conflicted on placing a burden on her children by asking to be cared for or by entering a nursing home for comfort and care despite social security running dry and medicine bills mounting. Everyday we are inundated with headlines reading stock-market decline and national lay-offs. Everyday we believe we can’t change the world.

I challenge you to help me change the world and our perspective in 32 days or less and to do so using prayer and our Christian faith – that our hearts may be open.

Both presidential candidates are simply saying what the rest of us only wish we could do – fix America. Better our lives. That they can make something weakening strong. To bring prosperity into our lives once more. No one runs for office without wanting their share of the glory. Or do they?

It is my position one candidate exemplifies Christian values (conservative or other) more so than his opponent, and that same politician also represents the best interest of this country from an economical standpoint, which I will prove to you through our own history books. This presidential candidate also has our best interest of preserving Christianity in our society but, it will take some development in seeing who is who, so make no conclusions yet.

Changing the world (and America) comes from believing and fighting for what we believe in. Digging deep inside our souls to our inner-most being to encourage others to see the world in a different light. This is no different than standing for the social injustice of non-modernized countries refusing basic human rights to their people. This is the voice we all have within us calling out to others for a better view.

The following letter was written to my grandmother because I descended a level of respect which is to always be upheld: “Honor your father and your mother,” - The Ten Commandments. With all bad things, something Good can be formed. This is the good that came of it. It is all written here for the world to see.

Although it was written for one, it is written for all. I am transparent. I invite you to see what I see.

P.S. a profile about me (with a picture soon coming) is also available in case you can’t recall who I am. ~Jaci Rose

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